Sunday, March 23, 2008

Power38 celcom (cont.)

i want to collect the phone (samsung) promised by the promotion. to collect i have to go to subang jaya (vendor's ofis)..

fine, its ok. so i called the number given for few times. no answer.still fine.

so today i called 1111 (celcom's customer service). i asked him on why i cant contact the vendor coz i want my phone. you know what he said?? ".. ah you have to collect it during office hour!!.." <<>

ada ke patut suh amik kat vendor nun kat subang jaya ofis hour! kerja laa,.. hampeh tol la promotion nih..geram giler!! time keje nak suh gi jauh ke subang jaya amik phone. takleh ke senangkan pelanggan sket?? geram ah.

lenkali celcom should be lebih concern on this!

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